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Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities


Understanding our own business context and the legislative framework in which we operate is imperative to us meeting our strategic objectives with regard to the BCMS. 


By considering risk and establishing effective processes to mitigate risk, the likelihood of achieving our stated BCMS objectives is improved and the outputs from those processes are more consistent 

Risk-based thinking:

  • improves governance

  • establishes a proactive culture of continual improvement 

  • assists with statutory and regulatory compliance

  • assures the BCMS that it can achieve its intended outcome

  • improves customer confidence and satisfaction with our approach to continuity of service


Risk based thinking is not new and something we do as a matter of course. It ensures greater understanding of risks and improves preparedness, increases the probability of reaching objectives and reduces the probability of negative results. We have identified the key risks in our company risk register.

We have documented the risks and opportunities that are relevant to our business and shall consider risk and opportunity when embarking on new projects, implementing new software or hardware, taking on new contracts, implementing new processes or technologies and meeting new legal requirements.

BCMS Objectives and Planning to Achieve them

We have established BCMS objectives at relevant levels of our organisation. Our objectives are consistent with our BCMS policies and take into account the particular requirements that are relevant to continuity of service. Objectives have targets, are mostly measurable. They are monitored on a regular basis. We have created a strategic scorecard that enables us to measure our performance against BCMS objectives. BCMS objectives are communicated and updated accordingly.


When planning how to achieve business continuity objectives we shall ensure that responsibility is designated and adequate resources are made available for achievement.

BCMS Objectives

- to maintain critical service levels​

to recover from a disruption within 4 hours


to minimise the likelihood and impact from risk


- complying with BS22301 requirements


to ensure that all of the management team understand their responsibilities for   BCMS

Changes to the BCMS

Changes to the BCMS shall be carried out in a planned manner and consider the reason for the change and the potential consequences of the change, the integrity of the BCMS and whether we have sufficient resources to enable the change and the impact of the change on existing staff.

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